The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof. ~~RICHARD BACH
~I love this quote. It was borrowed from All Night Knits who just celebrated both her 50th post and a WordPress Family Award. We are so excited that she passed this wonderful award on to us. Her site is full of knitting, reading, photography, reading, and sharing. I smile at the pictures she takes using filters and apps, I love to do that too.
We have written before how much our blogger friends have influenced us through encouragement, wonderful ideas, and support. I can say that some of my blog friends have hit my wallet since I’ve had to purchase patterns, yarns, fiber, and other products because of their glowing blogs. In the year plus that we’ve been blogging, some of you have become as family to us. Thank you! The DIFFICULT part, for us, is nominating only 10 blogs for this award, since we enjoy so many! When I’m having a down-in-the-dumps type of day my blogging family always lifts my spirits. So a heartfelt thanks to all of my blogging friends, you have enriched my life.
Without further ado, these are the inspiring bloggers (in no particular order) we feel as if they have become part of us:
- Celebrate Life! – An eclectic site for crafting, gardening, and food
- Peacefully Knitting - A beautiful knitting, spinning, and reading site. Tina is one of the chosen few Rowan reps.
- Fibercrush – Another eclectic site which explores crafts from the 70′s, knitting, sewing, using stash, dyeing techniques, and list goes on.
- Gentlestitches - An amigurumi expert. Wonderful creatures. Yum, she actually calls it aussiegurumi, Australia amigurumi.
- For the Knit of It - A knitting, spinning, and other stuff site offering a great tutorial Knitting 101. Has some clever off-beat things to make.
- Pixelknit’s Ponderings – A knitting, spinning, journaling, crafting, on other great things site. Most of all, I love her book suggestions. I joined Goodreads thanks to her.
- Crafty Tails – A site whose title says it all. Crafting, knitting, with a dog picture or two thrown in.
- Introverted Knitter – A site with knitting, spinning and weaving. A wonderful writer, as an introvert myself, she often describes exactly how I feel in group settings.
- Pillows A-La-Mode - A totally crafty site. Great repurposing ideas.
- Colour Cottage – A site I first landed on because of her doodles. Stayed to see the wonderful yarn dyeing experiments and the spun fiber.
If you choose to pass on this award, here are the rules:
1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 10 others you see as having an impact on your WordPress experience and family.
4. Let your 10 Family members know you have awarded them.
5. That is it. Just please pick 10 people who have taken you as a friend, and spread the love.